The startingpoint for Trieste are two sources: an investigation around Picasso’s work about the figure of Minotauro, and a real experience about an attempt to stop the pass of time.

In the story a young girl writes beautiful poems while her brother -a minotauro- kills sleeping writers. A man tries to reproduce a group of pictures taken by his own father 15 years ago. A dream narrated by one of the characters changes everything.
“A Romantic doesn’t see, he has visions” Stefan Zweig.

Silvia Hilario
Uriel Milsztein
Violeta Naón
Sebastian Volco

Text & Direction: Mariano Pensotti
Light desing: Matías Sendón
Masks: Javier Irala
Video: Alejo Fassbinder, Mara Pescio
Music: Julián Weinberg

Trieste was premiered in 2001 at Centro Cultural Rojas and it was part of Festival del Rojas 3. It was presented at Centro Cultural Recoleta.