The ads in the cities are the lives that dream their inhabitants.
In Today is the day, a multitude of miniature houses are deployed in an empty and big space. 100 tiny houses that viewers can move around, as a city that you can walk in dreams.
On top of each of these houses there are oversized advertising billboards. In each of these billboards are texts that using the grammar of the ads tell the stories of the inhabitants of those houses.
Lives turned into slogans.

The 100 houses have been built from written descriptions that provide 100 people living in Buenos Aires, taking as a starting point houses where they would like to live or houses that they have dreamed about.
A research on places to live dreamed up by a multitude of individuals of a city.

Are the lives advertisements that someone dreams?
Today is the day.

Texts: Mariano Pensotti
Models design: Mariana Tirantte
Music: Diego Vainer